
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:13:01
Alan wants goes home with Mike找出错误并改正 i not only like playing soccer but also like playing basketball1.I not only like 是怎么的2.but 后面的是怎么的 i like not only playing soccer but also playing basketball行吗i not only like playing .同上 请求老专家 Like a person at home Chat Would you like__(chat)with me? 英语作文喜欢音乐 wait和wait for的区别急 美国队长英文介绍有人能帮下忙吗?就是美国漫画英雄那个... 是his还是he name is Alan That apple is his.(改为复数) hundreds of years= 你是我的全部可我却只是你的一部分英文怎么翻译 await和wait的区别与用法await和wait这两个词的意思基本相同,用法上有什么不同呢?这两个词的有什么具体的差别呢?能举例并详细说明一下吗?谢谢了 谁能告诉我waiting for you中的waiting的用法?这是不是一个固定的搭配?waiti作vt 时直接加宾语,作vi 时用介词for?还有就是这里的waiting for sb 是不是一个进行时态?省略了i am 或是i was? That is Jim room.怎么改 I speak English ( ) the English corner. 英语翻译I thought you were my friend,the original is just my thought翻译的对吗?谷歌翻译的 你是我的朋友.用英文怎么说啊? 你是我的朋友,只能是简单的朋友!翻译成英语怎么说? 1.It's been around for hundreds of years.2.It's been around for as long as I can remember.怎么翻译? 你的笔友Lisa和他的好朋友最近产生了矛盾,他为此很懊恼并写信向你求助.请你以张华的名义用英文给她写一词数100左右 你是我的朋友吗英语怎么说 4.Mary has her breakfast at home every day.(对划线部分提问)____________ _________________4.Mary has her breakfast at home every day.(对划线部分提问)__________________ _______________ this room is different _____that one ____ food 垃圾食品,in ________china 在南部的中国地区 初一学生考场写出议论文.作文满分40,是以成长为话题,体裁自拟,最后写成了议论文,我们还没学呢,会得多少分? 怎样的考场议论文才能得高分(标准是什么)我们老师教我们的仅限于三段式的——三个明确的分论点+三个事例+论证.但一类作文中很少有这种形式,基本找不到明确的分论点,例证法用的也 高分求一考场作文《忘记与铭记》议论文800字 如何在考场上写好议论文 Hundreds of years ago,a Roman armyHundreds of years ago,a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland.The Scots,a brave people,loved their country very much.They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland,but there were too many of dozen,hundred前面有具体数字时 是不是就没有of 只有hundreds of .没有some hundreds of . 高中翻译一句话泰山回国后定居在雅安卧龙国家保护区碧峰峡大熊猫繁殖基地,并很快适应了新生活