
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 13:15:47
生物……秋水仙素的作用 1.已知▷ABC为锐角三角形,复数z=(cosB-sinA)+i(sinB-cosA)所对应的点在( ) A.第一象限 B第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限2.在▷OAB中`,O为坐标原点,A(1,cosx),B(sinx,1),其中0 以Sn表示等差数列{an}的前n项和,若S5>S6,证明:(1)2a3>3a4(2)5a5>a1+6a6(3)a5+a4-a3<0 高中数学,a是多少,过程怎么写 已知三角形ABC三个顶点的直角坐标分别为A(3,4),B(0,0),C(5,0),求sin∠A的值. 设a=(3/2,sinα),b=(cosα,1/3),且a//b,则锐角α为 ( 45° )我想知道为什么. 什么风什么雨 要第一个字和第三个字是反义词 急! 什么风什么雨 要第一个字和第三个字是反义词我要第一个字和第三个字是反义词的 10个就够了 风侵雨蚀的反义词kkkkk 请默写含有“风”“花”“雪”“月”的诗句各一句.( ),( ),( ),( ). I will try my best to be with you 熊猫吃竹叶 The panda eats__ __ I will try my best to be myself 脑洞什么意思? 若某人突然听觉丧失,经检查耳的结构完好无损,则可能是________? 耳和听觉(一)中的一道填空题蜜蜂翅膀( )发出声音,声音通过( ),以( )形式向四周传播开去,声波传到我们的耳朵里,引起( )振动,在通过( )把振动放大,并通过神经系统最终在( ) Which country is different from the others?Britain,Canada,Japan,America,Australia,Korea,Singapore Which room is different from the others?Which room is different from the others?A.washroom B.rest roomC.drawing room D.bathroom为什么? Which underlined part is different from the others in pronunciation?A.heat B.deaf C.deal D.creature 根据句意及首字母填空 I can't find my books.where are t________? where are my books是什么意思? the party is quite different from theirs.It is a s____ one. what city is different from the others?paris London Washington.D.C Beijing Tokyo Sydney Moscow Canberra I can‘t find my books. They are ___(miss). Party Time怎么写好看,如题 要加特殊符号 怎么样才能获得更多的财富值呢?我是意思是在最少的时间最快的速度获得最多的财富值? What will you do if you were not happy?Sometimes,we are not happy because something or someone,what are you solve this problem?Are you want to cry? I will back you up no matter what is happening! 父亲将为我买个随身听 用英语怎么说 写人文章一篇 No matter what happened ,I willNo matter what happened ,I will be there for you …… I miss you John went to see()doctor yesterday,and now he is in ()hosptial