来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:06:31
1.we live in a wondeiful world.we can learn to hear many____sounds with our carsA.amazedB.frightenedc.amazingD.frightening2.Mun.must I go home now?No,you______A.needn’t B.mustn't C.can't D.may not3.Helen is a morden girl.So she is very_____(interes Nature is a wonderful world.We can learn to hear many ____sounds______our ears my job is to work with many interesting peopie改为一般疑问句 英语翻译中文:她是那么的生气,以至于把玩具摔在地上,把那个玩具摔成碎片. 英语翻译When the line is available the transmitterensures that a minimum interpacket gap of at least 96 bits prior totransmitting a 56-bit preamble and an 8-bit Start of Frame Delimiter(SFD) aheadof the frameWhen the line is available the transmi 英语现在分词做状语现在分词做状语修饰整个句子?现在分词引导的句子在句首时一般做状语?Looking forward to your answer! at the end of和 by the end of用法.區別 there are five g_____ in our class,five boys and five girls in each one She is really amusing!amusing不是形容事情的吗?为什么还可以形容人? 请问She is a really beatuiful girl.跟 She is really a beatuiful girl.哪种是对的? so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词和so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语有什么区别? 请问圣母白莲花是什么意思?形容什么样的人?是褒义还是贬义呢? 形容女生霸气是褒义还是贬义 “ 甜素腐 这个词形容女生是褒义还是贬义?只知道 白富美和矮穷丑 这个甜我知道不算贬义 腐不是好意思 素嗯? 形容人特,褒义还是贬义 杰克喜欢游泳,但现在他想去打网球.Jack likes swimming.But now ___ ____ to play tennis. 11.Let's _______ togetherA.play tennis B.play the tennis C.to play tennis D.to play the tennis Linda wants to l()to play tennis 当表示前者情况也适用于后者时,肯定句应用“so +助动词/情态动词+主语”结构我想知道除了用助动词或情态动词之外还可用be动词吗? 求作文《老师心目中的好学生》求一篇作文 坐等作文题目《老师心目中的好学生》高中水平 400字~600字 心目中的好老师作文 我的心目中的好老师作文600字 5年级作文:我心目中最好的老师 写一写你心目中的老师作文300左右的字数(400以下)是最好的 如何判断疑问代词是做宾语还是主语(主要是有关宾语从句语序问题)比如Do you know what is the matter而不是Do you know what the matter is.这里是What做主语,但是不知道是怎么判断的.还有是Do you know who 如何判断疑问代词是做宾语还是主语?在宾语从句里 不要说的那么笼统具体点 谁能帮我想一个既有褒义,又有贬义形容女生的词语 女生总是被男的说很真实 是褒义还是贬义 wang ting doesn't like to eat outside.S likes to eat____ _____. Li Ming likes to eat eggs,but he doesn't like to eat c_____ Hangzhuo is a beautiful city.T here are many people here on vacation every yearA inB onC aboutD to为什么要选择b 【用适当的介词或副词填空】 There are many people ----- vacation in Egypt every year.