
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:17:01
课文第一段渔人是怎样发现桃花源的?为什么会“甚异之”?这一段在全文中起什么作用?《桃花源记》 Those boys are my fyiends 改成否定句 管仲相桓公有何结果?有何启发? 子曰:“管仲相桓公,霸诸侯,一匡天下,民到如今受其赐”管仲是如何相桓公的呢? 被“老外”虐待了吗 我想上GG虐老外想打台W人和老美,dota,他们用的是1,怎么才能和他们一起玩 — Has he seen this film?” — Yes.He ______ it several days ago.”a、saw b、has seen c、had seen 描述电影情节用什么时态thanks 无声的燃烧什么意思 从过去一直持续到现在用什么时态 过去时态The Wang's are at home now(用yesterdat改写)Rita and Rose were late for school(改为否定句)帮我做一做 过去的我 用什么时态?The person on these pictures was me at 6-year-old. The person on these pictures is me at 6-year-old. 哪个时态对? 关于过去时态的Students should be given to some time torexa和Students should be given some time torexa 有什么区别啊 过去经常做的事是什么时态 棉纺织行业棉花检验什么项目 英国有什么棉花如题 (英国棉花加工量增长表和英国生铁产量)说明英国在生产科技领域发生了什么事件 直接引语转变为间接引语,为什么这个时态不变有个例子teacher asked tom,"why were you late again?"转后为teacher asked tom why he was late again.时态变化不是 一般过去时变过去完成时么?这个为什么不变?还有 We'll play a_____Class Four this Saturday afternoon 第二十题,为什么它变间接引语时态不变 过去式语法 英语翻译今天是五一劳动节.我一大早就和父母、弟弟一起去喝早茶,东西都很美味.茶楼很多人,或许是因为今天是劳动节而放假的缘故吧!接着我们就去逛街.今天很多商店都打折.我看中了一件 she is going to Tibet in December划线部分提问(in December) she is going to Tibet in December对划线部分提问(in December) she is going to Tibet in December对划线部分提问( in December ) ( ) ( ) she ( )to tibet she is going to Tibet in December对划线部分提问(画线的:in December ) ()()she ()to Tibet? 请问:新概念2 lesson14中Exercise 第5题 He could not answer (neither of) (either of) the questions I (asked) (asked for).选择哪个?为什么?和句型 7、Neither of us spoke.We --------(a)neither spoke (c)both didn't speak选择哪个?为 新概念英语第二册lesson14求翻译1 Except for a slight headache, I feel all right now.2 I liked them very much so I bought both of them.3 Apart from being a bit too long, the play was very good.4 I asked a question. I did not ask for an a 上海新东方英语住宿条件怎么样?有空调么?如果是托福一天上几个小时?高中生适合上托福基础还是强化? Are you afraid______my father's.用适当的介词填空 all of them think the book isn't interesting at all.(改为同义句) all of them think the book is___. 北京新东方英语每个月都有住宿班吗北京新东方英语的六级班或者口语班每个月都有住宿班吗?还是只有寒暑假有?