
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:26:13
英语翻译如题,请英语达人指教! 戴着眼镜 英文 是用wear 还是with 1岁时,是 one years old 还是 one year old? 请问杭州哪家翻译公司做的比较好呢? 杭州哪个翻译公司的通信类翻译做的最好? 杭州最好的翻译公司是哪家,我有重要文件想翻译. 非谓语形式to have done 和having done 有什么区别?在不同的句子中如何使用,举例分析说明.就是类似于上面的,有没有区别的?还是没有区别都可以用的? 怎么时候句子非谓语要用完成时having done?(英语) 怎样提高英语水平? how ______ the man is speaking to his friend?(soft)jim fell off his bike this morning.______(lucky),he didn't hurt badly.the question is so hard.i can't answer it ______(easy)he stopped his car ______(slow) when he saw the red traffic light.millie an 哪一件令我伤心的事600字写人作文 一件伤心的事.作文600~800..好词多一些 stop后跟什么形式 我要初中浙教版的历史与社会和政治的提纲 怎么防止网络剪切手 自主历史与社会(浙教版)科学家们"常常在细微之处有重大的发现",你能否举出三个这样的例子?自古以来,许多思想家不断勾画出一幅幅对理想社会追求的蓝图.联系课本,说说他们个自勾画的蓝 英译汉1,tell me first a geographical fact,and then a historical fact.2,what can the word "great"mean in that last question?first 能不能换成one呢。不能 的话 为什么 that1,100,000,000 people do not have safe water英译汉 there----awoulderful movie on show this weeked would you like to go with me1isgoing to have 2 is going to be 3 is going to has Stop+动词原型 表示什么 求七上的人教版地理期末复习提纲! is that near the movie theatre是什么意思?怎么翻译? 英语——我是一个电影女孩,可以用I‘m a movie girl This problem is too difficult.I can't work it out,and()A neither anybody else doesB neither can anybody elseC neither anybody canD neither dose anybody else关于倒装 请问这句话Neither在and后面 用不用倒装? 高中英语题i can't work out this problem .it is a most difficult onei can't work out this problem .it is ____most difficult oneA.the B. a应该选B.a most difficult.为什么不是Athe啊. 填单词 p_ _n_还有j_ _ _d__ __ __b__ __ __ 反复句式造句反复句式~ 这个女孩和她的朋友们相处融洽 The girl ___ ___ ___ with her frends stop怎么变延续性动词 the girl () () the flwers with her()括号里填 什么 The girl ______ her classmates,_____chatting with her friendsA like likes B like like C likes like D likes likes ( )it( )h( )n 填单词