
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:43:23
英语句子中,逗号后面什么时候用ing形式,什么时候用ed形式?比如I walked out of the cinema,(determined) to return to see the wonderful film next Sunday 和 It rained for two weeks completely,(ruining) all the crops in the fields. 英语达人进 求单词tistnncusiorectlpoem分别用每组字母组成单词,每一行为一组,求两个单词 肯定有解 This book will help you.Simply complete the test on this page and follow the________. .单词达人来t a s l k b l a e b 组个单词或词组.. There is a large reading-room in our school,______the students often go to read newspapers and reference books.A.which B.at which C.where D.in which .说明为什么选这个,为什么不选那个.感激不尽!P41 She said __ she didn't like the uniform She didn't like __ at the poor man .A he shouted B his shouting C him to shout D that he should shout 香菱学诗1你别怕臊,只管拿了给他瞧去臊在这里的意思 动词不定式与动词ing形式开头的句子有何不同 she didn't like any in that store.为什么用any Sandy told her friends that she didn’t like computers.这句话正确吗,能说say to sb that,吗 she ____that idea.so she began collect pencilsA,like B,hated C,remebered D,forgot先11号前 青春是什么,写一段话,要引用古诗文 英语范文:介绍一名胜古迹,100字 英语范文之名胜古迹100字 My sister bought (she) a beauiful last Sunday she的形式 i'm writing a ___ to my sister for the birthdqy present she sent me 帮忙看下word文章里有文字、数字和字母,字数统计里有字数和... 我想知道到,打心底麻烦大伙了 函数y=f(x+2)的图像过点(-1,3),则函数f(x)的图像关于y轴对称的图像一定过点A(1,-3) B(-1,3) C(-3,-3) D(-3,3) 请你介绍一个你曾经去过的上海名胜古迹,景点的概括,具体特点(最个性的地方)300字左右 上海有哪些名胜古迹 上海有什么名胜古迹? -a²b/2的系数是 次数是 三国演义的阅读题求答案 三国演义阅读题从“闻许攸私奔到寨,大喜,不及穿履,跣足而迎.遥见许攸,扶掌欢笑,携手 共入,操先拜于地.”这一段描写,我们除了能看到曹操欣闻老友来访的喜悦之外,还能看出什么?急! 浙江金华名胜古迹的对联有哪些?最好是金华的,没有杭州的也行.标明出处,简要阐释意义(简明扼要,100字左右).要20对.引用的没事, 国外的名胜古迹……请说出几个国外的名胜古迹,中、英文都要. 中外的名胜古迹有哪些,中国和外国的 描写态度镇定的词语 描写对待他人态度的词语我急得要命 这是今天作业不许说上网找.四字的 词语成语都没关系 请问下大家知道word文章里有文字、数字和字母,字数统计里有字数和... 我想知道到, 说下word文章里有文字、数字和字母,字数统计里有字数和... 我想知道到, what,s your telephone number?怎么回答?