
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:15:32
Shanghai is to the ___of Hangzhou 已过六级还要考宝钢英语等级吗 我想问一下,农行校园招聘上要写英语等级,我现在查到我的分数过了六级了,但是我得到4、5月份才能到学校拿到六级成绩单,我能在英语等级上写上六级吗,如果写上了,怎么才能证明呢?有知道 你我之间存在着距离 的英文 3里有多远, She left her hometown two years ago,and has been living abroad______A.after thatB.ever since thenC,from now onD.afterwards She's been abroad for two years.be abroad表示出国 那BEEN在这里是什么意思?is 是现在时么? 中国到新西兰有多远? 老款三菱空调遥控器有OPERATION TEMP FAN SPEED ON TIMER Hr.I Min.SWING FLAP TRANSMIT调哪个是吹冷风的本身这个最低温度是18度,找人调成16度.怎么调的,那个人找不到了 ------What would you like for supper?------I am not feeling well .I don’t feel like( )anythingA.to eat B.eat C.ate D.eating Well.I'm going to shanghai.Would you like to come as well. The class ( )(be) going to begin at eight. ____ to break the 574.8km/hour speed record set by France,China has agreement with Thailand tobuild high-speed railways.A.Aiming B.To aim 中国,泰国,巴西等国与英国,法国,美国之间的交流,一般称之为 China is the birthplace of kites,_____ kiteflying(放风筝) spread to Japan,Korea,Thailand and IndA.from there B.where C.from where D.therewhy choose where is an adv.It can`t follow a prep,isn`t it? 浅谈高中英语教师如何做好课前准备 什么是大众传播?具体些. 什么是大众传播理论 小华去学校,每分走50米,就迟到3分钟,每分走70米,就提前5分钟.他家到学校有多远?不要X方程,不懂. 如题. ,急用~,马上有的就++点非给你! 有一首女声英文歌,歌词好像有great,great,my life is great..歌词中还有my eye‘s .. 大众传播的特点: I know my parents,( )they don't understand me well.一道英语单选 A.though B.whenA.though B.when I can draw pictures 怎样修改病句? 马莱茨克大众传播模式 Would you like ___ to drink?(怎么填)-Would you like ___ to drink?-Yes I'd like a cup of coffee.A.something else B.else anything C.anything else D.else something求过程~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 旅行社用英语怎么写 旅行社的英文怎么说? are,the,Mary’s,clothes连词成句是问句。。。快一点。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 英语,求助,有赞 How are the clothes in Hualian Clothes Store