
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:24:59
I am coming for 你姝,用英文怎么说 有首歌里面只记得一句"i am coming i am coming " 欧美的~酬谢在MTV里面听到的可是忘了是个女的唱的很年轻的歌词不知道对不对音大概是这样就对了是有点rock风格的急寻那首歌的名字 Besid the house,there is garden 是错还是对 I am coming through!这是魔兽里山丘变身时说的话! 煮水饺用英语怎么说这里有一道题有关煮水饺用英语说,“你在煮水饺吗?”“不,我在煮汤圆”( )you ( ) water dumplings?No,I am ( ) ( )dumplings. 煮饺子要多久 煮饺子,用热水还是? 姝的拼音怎么写 姝这是字怎么读 这个字怎么读?中国的字实在太多了,好多不认识.《雪影仙姝》 姝读什么,我打拼音zhu,打不出来?最近看了一个新作《雪影仙姝》.朋友问我,你最近看什么小说我说看“雪影仙姝(zhu)”朋友打 here it 没有其它特别的意思吗 LiNa made —— —— —— —— many Chinese people. 李娜对很多中国人产生了巨大的影响 anybody here与everybody here有什么区别 here comes lynn 还是here lynn comes主语lynn应该放在什么位置 消化菌加了后水缸里的水几时会变清啊 放消化细菌后水变绿怎么办放肖化细菌一星期水开始有一点绿呢其它没有什么水绿呢怎么办谢谢好友帮帮忙指点一下 Spring comes in F—— 补全单词 The most boring book seems interesting during the long trip.改为同义句 the weather in spring in lianyungang is————(和.一样温暖)in nanjing 伴奏teardrops on my guitar i wish you were here when you are gone speak now要伴奏哦,其中任何一首都可以的~ 请问前辈们一个问题as much+名词+as结构与as many+名词+as,much和many都是副词吧,讲讲他们的用法啊~Comets are just as much members of the sun's family as the other planets .as much+名词+as的名词是不可数;as many+名 硝化菌,黑水,稳定剂同时放对改善水质有好处吗?可以同时放吗? 跪求 阚姝 2个字的意思以及读音.谢谢了 硝化细菌能和治白点病的药一起用吗?硝化细菌多长时间放一回,多长时间换水. 姝是什么意思啊? This tax comes in two forms:property tax (people who own a home have to pay taxes on it)and excise tax,which is charged on cars in a city.是非限定定语从句吗? honesty comes in many forms怎么翻译 honesty comes in many forms原文09四川卷 英语——as ……as中间加什么? I wonder if this is the computer you want ____.A.to have repaired B to repaire wonder if this is the computer you want to have repairedi wonder if this is the computer you want to __________A .have repaired B.have it repaired为什么选A.it为什么不能加?