
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:18:24
we also have(n开头的单词)and (d开头的单词).两个括号内应填写什么、前一句是I can eat rice ,meat m vegetables and some other food。这句是否说明 n开头和d开头的单词都是关于食物? we also have some money and ( )water bottles.括号填什么单词? 假如你让他待在你家,你就是在自找麻烦(ask for).用英语怎么翻译 英语he wants to have an English pen pal同义句转换he wants to have an English pen pal the teacher with many students have gone to the exhibition怎么改错同上 关于中原的历史名人故事历史文化 The teacher is satisfied with _ the students have done in the experiments A.that B all what C which D all that 体现中华传统文明的故事有哪些? he teacher is pleased with what the students have done.帮我翻译这句子 可爱简短的英文名有哪些 为什么夏季时北方白昼长于南方? 为什么夏季北方白昼长于南方? 为啥北方夏季的白昼要比南方的长? 夏天时,为什么北方的白昼长过南方? 夏天,中国的南方和北方那个白昼的时间长?比如说海南和黑龙江,怎样判断?北半球夏天自南向北白昼的时间越来越长还是越来越短? 摩擦音有哪些 连词成句.party,birthday,a,for,we,him,have,(.) do,have,when,contest,English,you,an(?) mo...连词成句.party,birthday,a,for,we,him,have,(.)do,have,when,contest,English,you,an(?)month,year,the,the,of,third,March,is(.)has,he,a,bag,white(.)共四句 you English at do have school an your party连词成句 单项选择 ( )一when_you have an English party单项选择( )一when_you have an English party?–sorry,l_know.A.are;don't.B.do;aren'tC.are;aren't.D.do;don't 改同义句Why don’t you have an English party?[ ] [ ][ ]an English party? do you ___ ____have a party中文意思是:你们想开完会吗? 冬季北京和上海哪个白昼更长? 用不是 而是造一个句子? 用猝然造一个句子 用三个像造一个句子 有着五千年文明的中国,怎么比不上历史较短的欧洲? 中国有五千年历史,请问这五千年指的是什么? have a party 为话题 的英语短文描述你参加过的某一次社交活动【60到80】词左右急急急急 好紧张啊,帮我算算英语四级的分数吧,明天就出来了,太紧张了我的听力单选大概对了11个,听写单词对了大概3个,句子就算一句吧,快速阅读对7个,选词填空大概3个,仔细阅读应该是全对,可能有 It is never too late to fall in love 翻译哈 捉弄其他人是不好的,用英语怎么说? 快点告诉我们吧 我们正做作业呢