
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:51:29
which food do you like ,what food do you like 有什么区别 六级证上什么时候开始有身份证号吗? Do you have something delicious to eat? something是放在delicious前面还是后面 his brother likes reading books very much and he has learnt ____from themAmuchBlittle CmanyDa lot of Everybody likes them very much.这句话有没有问题 Everybody likes them very much.这句话有没有问题? He likes _very much. A:they B:them C:their 选择正确的词 出来混总是要还的 “出来混是要还的”这句话的出处?如题,请说清楚这话的出处和出自什么人之口, 出来混迟早是要还的,这句话是谁说的?我 he has two eyes ,one is big and the other is small它的英文解释越快越好 Tigers and other big cats are in danger.If n___ is done to protect them,they may die ou some day. 3.___ is known to us all is that America is a developed country____the First World.Which; belong to b.As,belonged to c.What; belonging to d.It; belonging to We think swimming is very __ (interest) 应该填interesting 还是 interested、说明原因、 -----I find the book very interesting.-----Do you?But I _____ .A.don't think much of it B.don't-----I find the book very interesting.-----Do you?But I _____ .A.don't think much of it B.don't think high of itC.didn't think many of it D.didn't think 八年级上英语第8单元词语 填恰当的量词,不能重复一( )新月 一( )初月 一( )秋月 一( )明月 一( )圆月一( )清辉 一( )溪水 一( )清泉 一( )瓜子 一( )柴火一( )清风 一( )笑声 一( )罐头 量词填空(不可重复)一()窗 一()星 一()河滩 一()风 一()云 一()空白 一()雨 一()闪电 一()黑影 求一篇《一件有意义的事》作文600子 人体解剖图胰脏在什么位置 花开花又败,人少人亦老 阅读《花开的寂寞》中的花有几层含义? 春去秋来,花谢花开.这句话的人生含义是什么? 一篇600子左右的游记作文.急要写清事物内容,具体能表达中心思想 like 表“例如”时的同义词组In places like Hongshanhu,students go to school by boat.句中 like=_______ “出来混 迟早要还的”翻译成英语rt 地道一点,急求 like的同义词是什么? like(同义词) 如何写好一个简单的策划? 马(2N=64)和驴(2N=62)杂交形成的骡子是高度不育的,原因马(2N=64)和驴(2N=62)杂交形成的骡子是高度不育的,原因是 A、马和驴的染色体不能共存B、染色体结构发生了变化C、减数分裂中同源 如何写好一个策划 如何写好一份策划书