
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:13:15
已知a+b=5,ab=-10,求(a-b)的值 这句话语法错误在哪里?Leslie Marmon Silko has said that her writing,which was powerfully influenced by storytellers in her family but that the landscape of her childhood also shaped her vision and provided stories.我看Which 从句也有谓 你将来要做什么?用will提问老师说是What will you be in the future?但我记得以前有个What do you do 也是个问职业的What will you do in the future?那么写成这个可不可以呢,如果不可以,又是为什么呢 请给我5个用will提问的将来时一般疑问句求大神帮助请高手给我5个基本的英语will 表将来的一般疑问句 初中英语 回答的采纳!~!帮我快点哦?怎么做啊?满意继续加分There is an orange on the table 改为复数形式The garden is behind the house 同义句转换There are some pictures on the wall 改为一般疑问句 做肯定回答 There are some teachers in the teachers office改否定句Why not go there by bus?变同义句交通拥挤 生活费高 翻译There are many tall buildings and small gardens in our community 同义句My home is near our school同义句This is Tom spe 初中英语回 答必采纳 I have't got much () in cooking. A.an B.many C.much D.small答案选的是C,请教高手,为什么,还有为什么不能选A糟糕了,漏了一个很重要的单词是I have't got ( )interest in cooking感谢朋友的提醒 怎么教导小学孩子的作文呢? 谁教我什么小学作文 急! 泰岳无云滋玉润;东床有泪滴冰清.是挽岳的,具体怎么解释,什么意思? sin(cosx)的最小正周期,谢 请问:『吉金乐石左右交辉 温玉润珠精神流』怎么解释? 설마다내탓인가是什么意思啊 这句话哪儿有语法错误?First,the contract number should be changed to 28KG603; Second,the amount should be USD185,000 instead of USD158,000; Third,the date of credit should be 20/11/98 instead of 30/11/98; Fourth,the quantity and amount may n f(a-x)=f(a+x) 若f(x)为奇函数则最小正周期为4a 为什么请写出步骤 巢怎么组词? f(X)=cos²x 的最小正周期 西游记中讲了什么道理,哲学? 从容镇静的近义词 caution CAUTION ATENTION什么意思 关于鲁迅的重大事件是什么 use caution 做读书笔记 3件关于鲁迅的重大事件,(每件100字左右)最后再写上推荐理由别不看题目乱回答,从网上粘贴来一大堆谁都会,会用的着提问么? CAUTION什么品牌的功放 描写山的诗词只要是描写山的都行,要三首,诗和词都行!刚才没说清楚,是我的错,我要的是整首诗! 金铺里的Pd950是什么意思 帮忙看下这几句话有没有语法错误But there are more and more pullotion in the earth.但是现在地球上的污染越来越多.The trees and the flowers are fewer and fewer.树和花越来越少.If we do ,the enviroment will get better an 这几句话有没有语法错误?I am really hard working during the day, Mom's operation will be later on, because this days are too hot.My only best friend in this city asked me to go a trip for Shanghai EXPO during the day, but i am really sad to 帮我看下这几句话有语法错误吗She was ill and in danger of losing her life.The old man had nowhere to go,he can but stay at home.The reading room can accommodate 150 persons at the same time. 正十边形的每个外角等于