请问一下以下句子语法正确吗?1、she asked me how many hours i worked last night.2、she asked me where i went to school.3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night.4、she asked me how long it took me to get here today.5、she asked m

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:43:21
请问一下以下句子语法正确吗?1、she asked me how many hours i worked last night.2、she asked me where i went to school.3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night.4、she asked me how long it took me to get here today.5、she asked m

请问一下以下句子语法正确吗?1、she asked me how many hours i worked last night.2、she asked me where i went to school.3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night.4、she asked me how long it took me to get here today.5、she asked m
1、she asked me how many hours i worked last night.
2、she asked me where i went to school.
3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night.
4、she asked me how long it took me to get here today.
5、she asked me when i

请问一下以下句子语法正确吗?1、she asked me how many hours i worked last night.2、she asked me where i went to school.3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night.4、she asked me how long it took me to get here today.5、she asked m
1、she asked me how many hours i worked last night.正常人肯定问how long,而且要是是last night的话,应该要过去完成吧
2、she asked me where i went to school.正常人直接说where my school is
3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night.要说谁的email,my email;还有一般会说if i had my email checked,或者if i have checked my email
4、she asked me how long it took me to get here today.是how long did it take me
5、she asked me when i没写完?

1 正确
2、she asked me where i went to school. 乜看懂。想表达什么?
3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night or not. 加上or not 最好
4 正确
5、是不是没写完。。2的原文是:where/got to school.正确怎样改?很简单,she asked m...


1 正确
2、she asked me where i went to school. 乜看懂。想表达什么?
3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night or not. 加上or not 最好
4 正确




5木看明白2要怎样改? 5如果我用when 后面应该要怎样作答,语法才对?2木有看明白所以果断的不对…5不清楚你要弄神马意思2的原文是:when/got to schoolwhen i would go to school...




请问一下以下句子语法正确吗?1、she asked me how many hours i worked last night.2、she asked me where i went to school.3、she asked me if i checked e-mail last night.4、she asked me how long it took me to get here today.5、she asked m she is girl语法正确吗? 还是she looks young ,but she's at _____(little) forty?那个语法正确?句子中是little还是less,顺便讲一下Why? 以下英文句子语法正确吗?有没有更好的说法I want to embrace you tightly 请问以下句子语法正确吗?1.Poverty has become one of the most significant challenge in many developing countries is facing.2.Therefore ,of course ,money definitely can help the country out of urgent problems . 请问谁能帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构,语法,句子成分?She needs help walking.我知道这里help是名词,不知道怎么解释为什么walk要加ing,是什么词组吗?还是什么其他用法 问个汉语语法方面的问题有以下三个句子:1.有.2.有谁.3.有谁.请问这三个句子都正确吗?我怎么觉得第三个句子很别扭呢.可是现在很多人都惯用第三种问句格式,我很困惑,是我错了么. 以下哪个英文句子是正确的?(语法)A.Children have to receive a balanced diet in order to grow proper.B.She said that her plan would be ready soon.C.She said she has made lots of drama programmes She said she knew where the manager lived.这个句子是宾语从句?间接引语?帮我介绍一下语法. 请分析一下语法结构She’s got swollen arms and legs because she was tied up句子的大概意思是:因为她被绑起来了,所以他的手和脚有肿胀.请问She’s got中的she's 是she was还是she had.为什么?这又是什么用 where was she last night?语法正确吗 she was be home . As she left the house she had locked the door.语法正确吗 请问谁能帮我用英文翻译以下句子?1 您好,你找哪位? 2 请问怎么称呼您?3 请问您有他的联系方式吗?4请问你是哪个公司的?5 请您在这登记一下 请帮我看一下一句英语句子的语法Their work was well planned. Everybody worked with great enthusiasm, and thus they overfulfilled their quota.请问这句话的语法和表达对吗?and thus那里正确吗、Their work was well planned,ev (1) She was finished ten minutes later.(2) I was surprised to see you.以上两句是被动语态吗?语法正确吗?那请问转成主动语态又是什么呢? She had said what it was necessary to say.请问这句话正确吗?有语法错误吗?分析一下结构 英语翻译帮忙把以下句子翻译成的英文句子的语法和句式错的改证一下希望英语好点的帮下忙 要语法句式正确的 10努力的成长,开花,凋谢Efforts to develop,and wither11.努力奋斗,追求美好生活H 请问以下句子语法正确吗?顺便问,有免费的雅思作文批改的么?1.Poverty has become one of the most significant challenge in many developing countries is facing.2.Of course ,money definitely can help the country out of urgent proble