
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 18:23:03

11.She keeps a supply of candles in thehouse in case of a power______.
A.shortage B.lack C.absence D.failure
12.For the purpose of weather descriptionand weather forecasts,the country is divided into six______.
A.distincts B.zones C.regions D.areas
13.He did not pass the examination,becausehis______was limited.
A.data B.information C.knowledge D.material

14.Toutism,a major ________of income forthe city,may be seriously affected by the atypical pneumonia(非典型肺炎)
A.resource B.origin C.source D.roof

15.Hard work and plainliving________characteristics of the working people.
A.is B.has been C.were D.are
16.The United States must look out for the rights of _______citizens.
A.its B.their C.our D.your
17.Having plenty of time,_______.
A.we did’t need to hurry B.there was no need for us to hurry
C.we needn’t to have hurried D.hurrying was not necessary
18.When I thought this watch,I was given ayear’s_______.
A.assurance B.insurance C.guarantee D.safety
19.Lame as he is,he is interested in somany things and enjoys reading about them so much that he is ________unhappy.
A.anything but B.nothing but C.rather than D.more than


power  failure 表示断电, power  shortage 表示电短缺, 蜡烛是断电时用.


考试没考过是知识有限, 不是材料有限

考察收入来源, 来源是source  . roof 是屋顶,

and  连接的两个主语, 谓语用复数.

the  United  States  指的是美国, 其代词用it .

C 答案 多了个 to . needn't  have hurried   才对

应该是 bought 吧, 买表的保修期, 用C.guarantee

anything  but  unhappy  表示绝不是不高兴, 意思是很高兴.